I will be a library user! What should I know?

The Hutÿra Ferenc Library, Archives and Museum is the only veterinary library open to the public in Hungary. As a student, you have free access to the library’s services, which include:

  • lending,
  • the use of reading rooms (and the group room) for study purposes,
  • access to articles and books in databases (from home via VPN!),
  • and, of course, you can also ask our librarians for help with general guidance, subject searches, help with writing your thesis, and many other things that you will encounter during your studies.


A quick overview of the key facts:

How can you use the library?

  • Our reading room is available without registration (for studying, computer use, printing, etc.).
  • You will need a library membership to borrow books and reserve the group room. You can find the registration process here.
  • We are also available remotely: you will have access to our databases and e-book subscriptions via VPN, and we will try to answer any questions you may have via email (library@univet.hu).

When are we open?

We publish the current opening hours of the Library and the Equus study room on all our platforms: the Library website, Google, Instagram and Facebook, and on the notice boards at the entrance of both places. Our areas are occasionally filled with events, so it’s worth checking in advance if you’re visiting us!

Rules in the reading room:

  • Unfortunately, our library does not accept four-legged members, so please visit Equus with them if you want to learn!
  • Please note that you may consume drinks in closed bottles and simple snacks (e.g. muesli, fruit) upstairs, while food with smell, crumbs and less safe packaging should be consumed downstairs or outside the library.
  • There is no cloakroom or safe in the building, so please take extra care of your valuables and do not leave them unattended.
  • The reading areas are divided into 2 parts in terms of noise: while the computer rooms to the left of the circulation desk allow quiet talking, the larger space to the right is completely silent to support deep study.

What and how can you borrow?

As a student, you can borrow a total of 10 documents at a time for 1 month with your library card, which can be extended 2 times (if the book has not been subscribed in the meantime). You can borrow the book on your own with the self-loan service or you can ask our librarians for help, especially if you have left your card at home.

Would you like to extend your loan? You can do this in several ways: in the catalogue, in person or by e-mail (library@univet.hu).

What is the meaning of the red stripes on the spines of books? These books are for in-house use only or can be borrowed for 1-1 nights or weekends if you take them out in the afternoon and bring them back to us in the morning of the next working day.

In addition, theses, journals, old rare publications and manuals are not borrowable at all.

Why should you use the online catalogue?

Our library catalogue covers not only the reading room collection, but much more:

  • our stock (including theses),
  • our e-book subscriptions (~40 thousand books),
  • the documents collected in the Hungarian Veterinary Bibliography (which we do not necessarily have access to at present, but we can help you to obtain them),
  • and also, the book collections held by the individual departments (which are available to you, but we cannot immediately fulfil your request).

For this reason, it is worth checking the catalogue as well as the shelves!


Extra information:

What other services are available in the library?

Besides our basic services, we also offer a range of other services: e.g. MTMT, interlibrary loans, science metrics information, etc. More information here.

Can you recommend a book for purchase?

Yes! Recommendations are collected via the form below. If the book is not already in our stock, we will consider your request and, if approved, we will purchase it on the next order! The processing time may be longer as a result, so if the request is urgent, we recommend interlibrary loan!

Want to read theses? How can you do this?

Theses published in the past are only available in hard copy (on request from the library stock). Those published recently are mostly available online, in the HuVetA repository of the university.

Until 2023, students could choose how they wanted to publish their theses: they could request to publish in hard copy only, online only on the university campus, or fully publicly. The online catalogue contains the guidelines for these. We are now legally obliged to do only in a publicly accessible way, so the latest papers in HuVetA are almost all now freely available for reading.

Want to visit the museum?

Our impressive university history exhibition in the lobby is open by appointment. Please contact colleagues on one of our contact details:

+36 1 478 4226, Email: library@univet.hu

About library courses in brief

In both mandatory and optional courses, we aim to prepare our students to search for information, use the library, publish research papers and other skills. You can read more about our courses here.

How can you use artificial intelligence in your studies?

According to university rules, “Any work made with any form of artificial intelligence, in whole or in part, is subject to the same assessment as plagiarism”, so it is definitely not recommended for creative processes, but it can be useful for learning, for literature research and for exploring the literature. We have written about some well-known services here, and about one practical use here.

Tools in the library

In the reading room you will find some tools for your convenience:

  • note-taking papers,
  • coloured pencils,
  • a stapler and scissors,
  • a fan for warmer days,
  • pillows and blankets for colder days,
  • board games (to borrow),
  • and a microscope with histology slides.