Library use, information searching, databases
It is an important task of the library to lay the foundations of and enhance the computer and information ’literacy’ of students, academic staff and veterinarians; to disseminate the new developments in the field of veterinary information; and to transfer knowledge and develop skills related to veterinary literature and information. In order to meet these goals we provide resources, publish aids, and offer several types of curricular and extra-curricular courses on different levels.
The library provides support for students writing their theses and staff or veterinarians preparing publications.
Curricular courses
Course details can be found on the faculty homepage.
Optional courses
Extracurricular training, courses
Obligatory presentations and courses
- Library use, information resources – visit of freshmen in the first week of the academic year in September.
- Introduction to thesis writing (sources, searching for literature, use of literature, citing literature, formal requirements)
Upon request” courses
- Searching, use and citing literature
Introductory lecture and hands-on practice offered for students who would like to get a deeper insight into the possibilities of searching, but have no time to enroll in a full course. The library holds the course for a minimum of five students at any time in the required length. - Presentations in any current, information related topic according to the needs of students.