Artificial intelligence

In the following, we briefly present and discuss a few selected services that facilitate literature searches, enable literature mapping on a topic or facilitate learning. Further additions, ideas and suggestions are welcome!

1) ChatGPT ( The generative AI developed by OpenAI can, with the right preparation, generate complex search queries using MeSH thesaurus terms, for example, as used in PubMed.

The chatGPT is not suitable for:

  • Create bibliography
  • Direct literature search.

The chatGPT is suitable for:

  • Translation
  • Idea generation
  • Creating summaries that can be read
  • Define your search question eg. make a pubmed research question
  • Make a code eg. flashcards

2) Copilot(Bing)

Copilot combines the power of a large search engine (Bing) with the freedom of conversation provided by chatbots. It is not designed to search for specific information, and may not excel in this respect. However, it can be very useful for a general understanding and summary of a topic, along with a list of sites found on the Internet for reference.

3) Semantic Scholar ( An AI-based research tool developed by the Allen Institute. It is available free to everyone (without registration). Semantic Scholar covers biology, medicine, computer science, geography, business, history, economics, etc. There are over 200 million articles from partners such as PubMed, Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, SAGE, Wiley, ACM, IEEE, arXiv and Unpaywall.

  • It helps you find relevant research.
  • By analysing citation relationships more qualitatively and understanding the context, you can discover deeper connections between publications.
  • As an author, we can request email alerts on publications on a topic of interest to us, and on articles that cite us.

e.g.: “African swine fever” “systematic rewiev”