National holiday
The library will be closed from August 19 to August 20, 2021.
Hutÿra Ferenc Library, Archives and Museum
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
The library will be closed from August 19 to August 20, 2021.
2021. július 26-án ismét megrendezésre kerül a Múzeumok Éjszakája, ameynek keretében campusunk kapui megnyílnak a látogatók előtt. Az idei évben az állatvédelem, az állatorvoslás, az állatok és a játék körül forog majd minden! Programunkat megtalálhatják a központi honlapon is itt. Bővebben / Read more
The library is open again! If you have a valid Immunity Certificate, you can visit the library from Monday to Thursday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Available services: in-house use borrowingand returning books informationservices and the Services Point. Not available yet: photocopy& scan useof public computers grouproom & Nádaskay study room microscope& histology slides. The library catalogue, the databases, the subscribed journals and e-books and those theses having only electronic copies are accessible by your own device. You can apply for VPN at for the remote access of such contents. Do you want to borrow books? It’s worth consulting the library catalogue first if there is a copy available for loan. If you need a copy from the stock, you can order it via e-mail ( to avoid waiting when you arrive. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail us ( or drop in during the opening hours. If you want to borrow or return books but do not own a valid Immunity Certificate, please contact us via
Over the past few months, the loan period for any books/media borrowed from the library has been extended automatically because of the coronavirus pandemic. Current return date: 15 September 2021.
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